Our Valued Sub-Contractors
Arki Construction, Inc. recognizes a major part to its success to its valued sub-contractors. Without their tenure in each of their divisions, our success would not be what is it. Arki Construction, Inc. take a sincere value and consideration to its partners in our success. Our valued subs are our clients.
Arki Construction, Inc.’s sub-contractors enjoy a close and fair partnership on each project that is undertaken and have set in place certain protocols and procedures that protect all the team members throughout the duration of each project and beyond.
This page is specially design and will be further developed to afford our sub-contractors even more control and access to the most relevant information at the most crucial time that is needed. Invitation to Bid documents will be made available, alone with addendum updates and most valued to our subs will be a bid result and feedback when requested.
As to current project, Arki Construction, Inc.’s subcontractors will have access to each project plans and documentations online, including revisions of plans and latest update to specifications and project manuals.
Arki Construction, Inc. will provide an online document system for centralized control and collaborations. The system will be available to all current sub-contractors and will offer an opportunity for those who wish to join our team to submit tehir qualification data online and be able to obtain access to our online documents system.